Friday, 9 May 2014

My Final Report On My Life In China

6th May 2014

By my count, this is my 42th report. While the super computer in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy determined that the number 42 was the answer to the meaning of life, to me it signifies my final report on my life in China. After almost six years the time has come to return home.

It's been a great adventure for me, from my start in hot and humid Wuhan where I made some great friends, to exciting Shanghai, followed by Fuzhou where for 12 months I experienced the traffic chaos first-hand on my Harley-style speedy e-bike, and finally to the pleasant coastal city of Dalian where the weather, accommodation, school and people seduced me to stay for almost four years.

The last few months have been interesting:

• returned to Wuhan on 2 occasions: caught up with WUST teachers

• spent a few days in Beijing examining and dining

• went back to Australia for a few weeks of R and R

• attended lots of dinner farewells in Dalian in last few weeks

• sold, gave away, ditched, and packed the many things I had accumulated over the years. Said goodbye to my comfortable apartment with great night views

So, what's in store for me back in Melbourne?

Well, my plan is to refurbish my Southbank apartment, which is now 20 years old, and try to get some private IELTS tutoring work to keep me interested. I'm also looking forward to getting a more modern car to replace my 17yo BMW M3 - is anyone interested in purchasing a well-kept, low mileage classic BMW driven by an elderly gentleman?

I hope to catch up with some of the many Chinese students scattered around Melbourne, and some I.T. colleagues from my past life.

I hope you have been entertained by these reports as much as I have enjoyed writing them.

Goodbye and Zai jian to all... Renzo